Tue, 9 February 2021
Brian Carberry is the senior managing director and editor of apartment guide & rent.com. Brian has more than 15 years of experience as a content creator and award-winning journalist and is currently the senior managing editor of Apartment Guide and Rent.com. His work has been featured on CNN, Search Engine Land, Campaign Monitor, and a number of other organizations around the world.
Quotes: “If you’re not paying rent, bank that money. Invest it in some way, put it in a CD, whatever you’re going to do, and get a little bit more for a down payment.” “There’s always going to be a risk involved, as everyone knows with investing. Right now, that risk might be slightly higher, but I do think the market is going to rebound. I don’t think we’re always going to see these trends of these hot cities coming down. Just find that level of risk that you’re comfortable with. Whether it’s with investing, or really anything. And if you are comfortable with something, go ahead and do it. Don’t play the what-if game.” Highlights: 4:27- Brian shares about his background and how he got into the real estate space 8:28- Brian talks about trends pertaining to rental rates 14:54- Brian talks about which parts of the country have seen the “boom” 20:44- Brian gives his opinion on if the new shared housing trend will cause an oversupply of rental properties not being utilized Guest Website: