Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow with Kevin Bupp

Tony Morgan is a real estate expert and founder and CEO of Broadwell Property Group.

Tony has over 30 years of experience leading startup and high-growth companies in a number of different industries. Tony has a proven track record of taking a project from concept, through reality, through operational challenges, and ending with a financially positive exit. 

Tony previously worked in the tech industry where he founded and operated NationalNet, a global technological real estate provider for 20 years. Here, Tony led the company, hundreds of employees, and thousands of clients in achieving their goals and objectives.


“I got to tell you, companies don’t matter. I’m in real estate right now but it's just another company. You treat it the same way… eventually, they’re going to be exactly the same, it’s just what we are selling that’s different.”

“We’ve been lucky in that we are not having to draw up investors like a lot of sponsors have to do… there has never been an investor in any of our deals larger than me and so that helps. I’m asking for investors to invest alongside of me.”

“We could spend two podcasts just going over my failures. I’ve got plenty… but the truth is, what’s most important is what you learn from them—is what you gain from them… I believe that with every failure comes a gain.”

“Mistakes were made way before that…mistakes were made in the fact that I let emotions get in the way of a deal.”


01:34 - Tony gives us insight into his background and how he got involved in real estate

05:09 - Tony tells us the lessons he’s learned and the similarities and differences between the LP space, the GP space, and the internet space.

07:01 - Tony talks about what made him choose the multifamily sector of real estate.

08:42 - Tony talks about how he has been able to find opportunities in today’s competitive landscape.

12:15 - Tony tells us what he thinks other multi-family buyers are doing differently than his company.

15:10 - Tony gives insight into the locations his company focuses on and the markets they are looking to expand into.

17:33 - Kevin asks Tony if there is anything his company does differently when setting out to find and raise capital as well as what its like vetting as a GP.

19:54 - Tony provides us with details on a deal he made that never met his expectations.

24:35 - Speaking to the GP side, Tony gives another example of a real estate deal that never met his expectations.

30:09 - Tony offers us his golden nugget piece of advice for our listeners.

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Learn About Investment and Partnership Opportunities with Kevin and His Team 

Recommended Resources: 

  • Self Directed IRA Investment Opportunity – Click Here To Learn More About How You Can Invest With Us Through Your SDIRA 
  • Accredited Investors Click Here to learn more about partnering with me and my team on Mobile Home Park deals! 
  • Grab a free copy of my latest book “The 21 Biggest Mistakes Investors Make When Purchasing their First Mobile Home Park…and how to avoid 
  • Schedule your free 30 minute "no obligation" call directly with Kevin by clicking this link  
Direct download: 335_Tony_Morgan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST