Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow with Kevin Bupp

Scott Carson is a nationally recognized distressed note investor & a leading educational authority in the niche of teaching how to investing in defaulted paper assets. Scott began his professional career back in 2001 working in the mortgage industry and has been an active real estate investor since 2002. Scott’s first brush with being a real estate investor didn’t come too easily and within a few short years his first few prized real estate purchases went belly up and back to the bank. Left with bad credit and no money, Scott began working odd jobs (bartending and other various work) to stay afloat.

Fast forward a few years; Scott knew at heart that he wanted to be a full-time real estate investor and knew that the crash in the real estate market would bring incredible opportunities for those who were armed with the wherewithal and knowledge to act on  them. Scott began learning all he could about investing in the default note buying business and within 2 years had built the foundation of his company inverse investments, which has grown into a multi-million dollar buyer of distressed mortgage notes.

In this interview, Scott walks us step by step through how he has built a small empire by carefully and methodically investing in distressed notes. Scott opened my eyes to multiple things I never knew about the note buying business and I’m positive that you’ll also gain a vast amount of powerful knowledge from this interview as well.


In this interview with Scott you’re going to learn:

·         Why he feels the next couple of years will be a tremendous opportunity to buy distressed notes

·         How to analyze opportunities using a few quick proven strategies

·         How he created constant deal flow from hedge fund and portfolio managers

·         How to find all the funding necessary to finance the acquisitions in your note buying business

·         With only a staff of 4, how he was able to purchase 50 million of distressed notes in the past 18 months

·         And much more…

Direct download: Scott_Carson_Podcast_Final_Edit.mp3
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