Sun, 20 April 2014
Wayne Sanford, also known as “Wayne the Credit Guy“, is the owner of New Start Financial Corporation. With nearly a decade of experience working in the credit industry, Sanford has personally reviewed more than 13,000 consumer credit files for mortgage professionals, investment groups and consumers.
Labeled as the “Company with Credentials“, New Start Financial Corporation works with financial professionals and consumers across the country. Sanford and his staff offer “real world” advice and help layout the best course of action consumers need to follow in order for them to achieve their financial goals.
Wayne’s understanding of credit laws, how they function and the ways in which they are interpreted by credit bureaus, creditors and collection agencies is the key to his success. Wayne is a regular credit advisor to radio news programs, has appeared on CBS news across the country and frequently contributes to several of the more renowned financial websites available on the internet such as AOL Finance, Yahoo Finance,, Money Magazine and Dun & Bradstreet. Wayne is also currently an instructor for Kaplan University and Ebby Halliday Realtors the # 8 independent owned R.E firm in the U.S for 2012 ranked by Real Trends in the Dallas Biz Journal. In addition Wayne is an educational provider for the Texas Real Estate Commission which is the division for the State of Texas that holds the Real Estate licenses for Texas Realtors.
Wayne brings “real world” applications to consumers who are searching for practical answers to their credit questions. As part of his quest to give mortgage professionals, realtors and consumers a better understanding of the complicated credit system, Sanford volunteers his time and knowledge to working with future homebuyers and victims of domestic abuse trying to restart their lives and create a better life for themselves and their families. In this interview with Wayne you’re going to learn: · How credit scores are determined · Understand the viewpoint of how a mortgage underwriter looks at your credit and your ability to borrow · How to successfully boost your credit by 10-15 points in a very short period of time · Learn the common misnomers of the credit scoring system · The process needed to clean up your credit after a BK or foreclosure · How to protect yourself and your credit when going through a divorce · And much more…
Direct download: Wayne_Sanford_Podcast_Episode_Final_Edit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:51pm EST |