Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow with Kevin Bupp

Today's Flash Back Friday episode is form #317 that originally aired on April 6, 2021.

Donna Serdula is the creator of and one of the most sought out LinkedIn experts. 

Donna pioneered the concept of LinkedIn profile optimization and is the author of LinkedIn Profile Optimization for Dummies. Through her Website,, Donna and her team of over 20 writers, help thousands of LinkedIn users strategically write their profile in order to engage with their audience and grow their brand. 

Donna is an in-demand speaker throughout the US and she has been featured on Business Insider, Time’s Money Section, Wall Street Journal’s Market Watch, LA Times, NBC, SiriusXM Radio’s the Focus Group and many other news outlets. 


“If you can organically work those keywords into your content, into your narrative, that’s when you’re really going to see that trifecta. You’re going to start seeing yourself popping up.” 

“You want to make sure that your profile is relatively fresh. So, if you haven’t updated it in 3 months, in 6 months, in 3 years, you want to make sure that you update your profile because that shows LinkedIn that you’re paying attention to your brand and it’s fresh. It’s not stale.” 


1:43- Donna shares her background and how she became a LinkedIn expert 

5:56- Donna gives insight as to how the LinkedIn algorithm works and LinkedIn Live 

9:53- Donna gives tips on what to be focused on with optimizing your LinkedIn profile 

15:47- Donna shares her LinkedIn hacks 

19:57- Donne gives advice for the person that gets overwhelmed by LinkedIn 

Guest Website: 


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST