Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow with Kevin Bupp
Ep #48: The 5 ways to find the perfect mentor or partner for your RE business

It’s a fact that experience is by far the best teacher, but it is absolutely idiotic to go at it alone if you can find a mentor who has been there and done that to hold your hand and show you the way. My suggestion is to learn from those who do what you do (real estate investor) and who have been extremely successful. This same principal also applies to finding another investor to partner or JV with on a deal. If you can find someone who will compliment your skills and who already has a track record you’ll find that the process is much easier than working with someone who has zero experience.

This week’s show will outline the methods which I have personally used in my business to find both partners and mentors and with paired with the will to succeed and some good ol’ hard work I know these methods will also yield results for you if applied correctly.

In this show you’re going to learn:

·    How to build a database of all individuals who own the types of buildings you’d like to one day own

·    How to directly market to these owners through various methods

·     How to use Linkedin to find your ideal mentor or partner

·     Why you need to formulate a concise action plan - TODAY

·     How to use brokers to help you find and get  introductions to owners and potential partners


·     And much more…

Direct download: final_edit_-_main_show.mp3
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