Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow with Kevin Bupp
Cash Flow Friday Tip #17: The 10 Reasons why you should always use a property management company.

In this week's Cash Flow Friday tip I'm going to share with you the 10 reasons why I think that every real estate investor should hire a professional 3rd party property management company. Now let me clarify, this applies to basically all asset types except mobile home parks and maybe self storage properties where your management is on-site and is typically employed by the property owner themselves.

If your goal is to own a large rental portfolio of income properties then you'll need to become an expert at outsourcing and delegating responsabilities and hiring a professional property management company is one of the most important

Recommended Resources:

  • Download my free success guide,  “7 habits of highly successful multi-family investors” by going to
  • Schedule your free 30 minute "no obligation" call directly with Kevin by clicking this link
  • Looking to invest in Mobile Home Parks? Want to JV with me on deals? If so, schedule a call with me and let’s talk. Click here 
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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST