Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow with Kevin Bupp

Our guest for this week’s show is a raw land investment expert, Travis King.

Travis specializes in the investment of raw tracts of vacant land and has transacted hundreds of deals since launching his business in 2014. Together, he and his wife Becca and I have personally completed hundreds of land flips and along the way have helped educate hundreds of others on how to successfully build a profitable land flipping business.

Quote: "Put a donut on the city and anything within an hour of the city is commutable."



7:50 - Subdividing vs. Flipping Properties

16:40 - Top-notch Subdividing Models

22:50 - The Beauty of it

29:00 - Travis' "Due Diligence Check List"

34:40 - Closing Thoughts/Advise


☑️ Connect with Travis:

☑️ Recommended Resources:


  •  Self DirectedIRA Investment Opportunity–Click Here: To Learn More About How You CanInvest With Us Through Your SDIRA


  •  Accredited Investors Click Here: to learn more about partnering with me and my team on Mobile Home Park deals!


  • Grab a free copy of my latest book “The 21 Biggest Mistakes Investors Make When Purchasing their First Mobile Home Park...and how to avoid them




Direct download: 696_Travis_King_Audio_Episode.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST