Mon, 15 May 2023
Real estate investor and developer Mike Kaeding is the CEO of Norhart Inc, a multifamily development firm based in Minnesota. Mike and his team are on a mission to dominate the multifamily industry by delivering the best construction cost-to-value! He and his team are transforming the way apartments are built and managed by incorporating technologies and efficiencies that have revolutionized other industries, and lead to high-quality, cost effective projects.
Quote: We have the mentality of, “We’re faced with a challenge. How do we solve it?” We’ve just kept doing that over and over again over the years.
Highlights: 03:02: Improving inefficiencies in the construction industry 08:12: Learning to be scrappy to cut costs 13:31: Mike’s mission to solve housing affordability and the challenges of scaling up 16:36: The impact of rising interest rates on developers and property owners 18:06: Mike’s long-term goal of improving the way people live 20:45: Avoiding rent control regulations in Minneapolis
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