Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow with Kevin Bupp

The most successful commercial real estate investors usually specialize in one asset class and don’t try to be a “jack of all asset types”. There are 5 primary asset types which include Office, Retail, Industrial, Multi-Family, and Land. Each of these different asset types have their fair share of pro’s and con’s which we’ll go into detail on with this show.

What you’ll come to quickly realize is that when you focus in on a specific asset type, you will become an expert in how this type of property is owned and operated. Being an expert in one particular property type is much better than being mediocre in many. You’ll see that you find your most successes when you deal within one specific property type and stay laser focused. Each one has its own pro’s and con’s which is what we’ll be covering in today’s show.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

·         Which asset type best fits your investment style

·         Which property types can provide 25 year leases - WOW!

·         How to determine the primary drivers for filling your specific property type

·         The different risks and rewards of owning the 5 different property types

·         Why multi-family is usually the best transition when moving from SFR investments

·         And much more…

Direct download: Which_Property_Type_Best_Fits_you-final_edit.mp3
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