Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow with Kevin Bupp
Ep #35:  The path to building a strong multi-million dollar rental portfolio – with Matt Faircloth

On today’s episode, we cover a wide range of really important topics with real estate investor Matt Faircloth, including his first real estate investment, raising capital for deals, dealing with tenants, moving up to larger multi-family and commercial properties, and a lot more.


Matt has invested in the Central NJ and Philadelphia markets for several years now, doing both single tenant and multi-family rentals as well as fix and flips, so he has a ton of insight for both those just getting started and for those with a lot of experience already.

This show has so much good information and helpful tips for any real estate investor.


In this interview with Matt you’re going to learn:

  •       The steps Matt took to buy his first investment property and how that first transaction helped built the foundation of his current success
  •       How he adds huge value in smaller multi-unit properties
  •       How he determines where the path of progress is going in a certain area and how he uses this info to make strategic acquisitions
  •       The steps he took to educate himself in the business and ultimately become the sophisticated investor he is today
  •       How we was able to successfully land a great deal on a property by calling for rent ads and asking the owner if he’s interested in selling
  •       How raising private money from investors has allowed them to scale their business and buy bigger deals
  •       Why it’s so vitally important to surround yourself with people smarter than yourself who can act as mentors or business advisors
  •       And much more…
Direct download: Matt_Faircloth_Podcast_Episode_Final_Edit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:14pm EST