Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow with Kevin Bupp

To provide insight on this little known capital source for real estate investors, we are speaking with Scott Maurer of Advanta IRA Services, a leading expert of self-directed retirement fund investing.  Scott is a frequent public speaker at many real estate investment groups and has helped thousands of people successfully self-direct their retirement savings.

With close to $18 trillion of retirement money in savings and only 3% of that in self-directed IRA accounts, real estate investors and syndicators have a huge opportunity to tap into this massive capital source to fund deals.

Learning how to leverage this rich pool of IRA funds is a great way to source capital for your deals, whether you’re buying 50k single family homes or multi-million dollar commercial properties.

In this interview with Scott, you will learn: 


  • The basics of using a self directed IRA to fund your real estate deals
  • The differences of a traditional IRA and Self Directed IRA
  • How to tap into this multi-trillion dollar resource to help fund your real estate deals
  • And much more
Direct download: Scott_Mauer_Podcast_FinalEdit_2.mp3
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