Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow with Kevin Bupp

Frank Gallinelli is a nationally recognized real estate expert, bestselling author of multiple books on the subject of Real Estate, a professor in real estate analysis at the prestigious Columbia University and the founder of Real Data, Inc. – a software solutions provider to real estate investors and developers.

In this interview, Frank walks us methodically through the process of how to effectively analyze and evaluate your real estate deals with laser accuracy. And as an added bonus – Frank will be giving away an autographed copy of his bestselling book “What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cash Flow” to one very lucky listener. To find out how to enter into the contest, you’ll have to listen to our interview with Frank.

Here's what you'll learn in this interview with Frank:

  • The key financial meausres to accurately avaluate any real estate deal
  • How to gather are necessary market data to make an educated real estate acquisition
  • How to become a "financial detective" and uncover the truth behind what the seller is telling you
  • Wht the time value of money is so important in all real estate decisions
  • And much more...





Direct download: Frank_Gallinelli_Podcast_Final_Edit.mp3
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